How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor

How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor

Dear Pastor:

63% of pastors say they are stressed.

Are you one of them?

If so, that’s where my course, How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor can help you.

I spent many long hours examining books rooted in stress and other emotions.

These books included: A Guide to Rational Living, by Albert Ellis, Ph. D; Cognitive Therapy and Emotional Disorders by Aaron T. Beck, M.D., Mind Over Mood: Change The Way You Feel By Changing The Way You Think, by Dennis Greenberger, Ph.D., Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy, by David Burns, M.D., Your Brain Is Always Listening: Tame the Hidden Dragons That Control Your Happiness, Habits and Hang-Ups, by Daniel Amen, M.D., Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind And Your Life, by Martin Seligman, Ph.D., Cleaning Up Your Mental Mess: 5 Simple, Scientifically Proven Steps to Reduce Anxiety, Stress and Toxic Thinking, by Caroline Leaf, Ph.D, The 14-Day Stress Cure: A New Approach for Dealing With Stress that Can Change Your Life, by Mort Orman, M.D., The Myth of Stress: Where Stress Really Comes From and How to Live A Happier and Healthier Life, by Andrew Bernstein, and Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health, by Caroline Leaf, Ph.D.

In addition, I read he words of King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, who said: “Be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life.”

Based on my reading, I developed this course, which I have used as the basis for coaching hundreds of clients.

You can read all of the books I have read, or you can apply the information you will learn in this course.

You will learn:

  • Why stress is not inevitable for pastors.
  • Why stress is not caused by circumstances.
  • Why stress management fails.   
  • The real cause of stress.
  • How to prevent stress, instead of managing the symptoms.


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I highly recommend Vernon L. Williams’ course on dealing with Stress. Vernon writes and motivates through simple Biblical principles with profound impact when lived out daily.   –Tim Siemens, Pastor to the Family, Grace Community Church

After spending years being stressed in ministry, this course changed my life. I am now stress-free. –Isaiah H.

Research shows that stress is impacting many pastors, which affects both their job performance and health.

So, you can spend the time reading the books I have read and doing all of the other research I have done. But I promise that if you apply the steps outlined in How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor, you will live stress-free.     


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If you were to try to learn from the authors of the most consequential books on stress, it would take you hours – hours that could be better spent –

The list price of How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor is $37.

But if you order today, the course is yours for $24…a 35% discount off the regular price.

Best of all, How to Prevent Stress As A Pastor is available as a downloadable product that allows you to begin using the worksheets to apply the steps to your situation immediately.

So, there is no waiting for delivery and no extra charge for shipping and handling.

Click below now, and you will be on your way to preventing stress without a few minutes.


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Vernon L. Williams, The Work Stress Prevention Coach

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