66 Uplifting Quotes on Worry
Worry is defined as thinking about future events in a way that leaves you feeling anxious or apprehensive. According to Dr. Charles Mayo, worry affects

4 Amazing Things for Which to Give Thanks Every Day
John Wesley was about 21 years of age when he went to Oxford University. He came from a Christian home, and he was gifted with

13 Quotes to Help You Improve Your Mental Focus and Achieve Your Goals
The importance of focus is often overlooked. I hope these quotes will not only illustrate the importance of focus, but will help you do a

5 Important Lessons I Learned About Contentment
Fanny Crosby was six weeks old when a minor eye inflammation appeared. Careless medical treatment left her totally and permanently blind. In spite of her

91 Uplifting Quotes on Joy
Throughout the Bible, we are commanded to rejoice or live with joy. In fact, in the book of Philippians Paul mentions “Joy” or “Rejoice” sixteen

71 Inspiring Quotes on Attitude
When it comes to achieving success, attitude is critical. As Tony Robbins said, 80 percent of success is due to psychology – mindset, beliefs and